Google's "Mobile-Friendly" Update

We shared a few articles about Google's "Mobile-Friendly" Update on our social media pages last month, but we feel as though its impact is something that bears repeating.

Mobile display is now a ranking signal for Google searches. The change, which went into effect April 21st, will negatively impact Adobe Flash sites and other platforms that are not optimized for mobile display. Sites that feature responsive design or mobile versions will benefit from the Google update. Currently the algorithm change only applies to searches made on mobile devices, but keep in mind that 29% of all searches made in the US last year were conducted with a mobile device.  

Mobile Optimization Options

Websites that are optimized for mobile display typically feature one of the following:

  • Mobile Versions* - Independent versions for smart phone, tablet and desktop display. 
  • Responsive Web Design** - Websites that scale or re-adjust automatically according to the device used. Responsive design eliminates the need for multiple versions. 

Take the "Mobile-Friendly Test"

Is your website optimized for mobile display? Google wants your website to load quickly on smart phones, and content must fit on the screen in such a way that links and buttons aren't too close together. There is an easy way to test all of that... Visit Google's webmaster tool for mobile-friendly testing, and type in your URL.

Learn More

If your website fails the mobile friendly test, it's time to consider an update. The Squarespace platform is an appropriate fit for many small business owners (from a cost and content management perspective), and all Squarespace sites are responsive (optimized for mobile and tablet display). We believe that Squarespace is a one-size-fits-most solution, but no solution is one-size-fits-all. A Rooted ID team member would be happy to explore options with you! Schedule a complimentary call to learn more. 


*Sites designed within the Squarespace platform (like are responsive. 
**Custom websites designed by Rooted ID feature mobile versions.