"Pinning" for Business

My name is Kendall, and I am a Pinterest addict. When it comes to recipes, fashion trends, home décor and DIY projects, FORGET Google. These days, I use Pinterest as a search engine for those topics. 

As most of you already know, Pinterest is a social networking site that allows users to organize and share all the fabulous things they find on the internet. “Pinners” organize their “pins” (image links) into theme based categories which other users can peruse, “pin” and “follow.” …and if a picture is worth a thousand words, it’s no wonder why Pinterest is so popular. The “dynamic grid” layout is the envy of online community. It’s the ultimate window shopping experience… picture, after picture, after picture makes it hard to step away from the computer!

The Pinterest community is largely comprised of individuals “pinning” for personal pleasure, but business are allowed to create accounts and “pinboards” as well.  Rooted ID even has a board if you would like to follow us!

Are changes on the horizon? We have read that some may be on the way, but don’t panic just yet. These changes just may lead to some awesome opportunities for business owners and marketers like ourselves.  

Potential Structural Changes for Pinterest

  • Main navigation – The current layout has a few category options located at the top of the screen. If you’re like me, you probably have a few favorite categories that you visit religiously, and you rarely bother with the rest. The new layout will include a comprehensive navigation icon that will encourage users to explore dozens of categories.
  • Pins – The new layout will feature larger images when you click to open a pin. The current layout features a small image surrounded by white space. The new layout will utilize that space with “related pins.” These won’t just be pins from the same board either… Pinners will be able to travel about the site by clicking links, much like Amazon users shop the related products category.

What does all of this mean from a promotional standpoint?

For brands that promote themselves on Pinterest, related pins would increase the likelihood of pinners landing on their page. The addition of the more relevant “related pins” may even pave the way for sponsored pins.  A Pinterest user frequents the style category. She clicks on a few sundresses, and the related pins offer all kinds of relevant options. The user finds a favorite, follows a website link, adds to cart and BAM! …a sale is made. .. No googling or website-window-shopping required. Imagine the possibilities!